GPM Qualification® to
Certified Project Manager
IPMA® Level C
Combination Course Level D/C
GPM Qualification® to
Certified Project Manager
IPMA® Level C
Combination Course Level D/C
Our combined D/C course provides participants with the content of Level D, as it forms the foundation for Level C. You have two options: you may complete the combined course in 10 days, with the Level D content delivered in 3 intensive online days and a subsequent Level C course. Alternatively, you can choose the 13-day course, where you will learn the entire Level D and Level C content in two full courses.
Why should you take part in the qualification course?
The IPMA Level C is suitable for individuals who already manage projects independently. This training prepares participants for the efficient management of projects. In the course, challenging case studies, reflection, and practice-oriented exercises are offered. Additionally, you will learn how to master agile, traditional, and hybrid project management approaches. In addition, personal, social, and leadership skills are addressed, as well as contextual competences for project management.
For Level C, you need proof of at least 3 years of professional experience in a responsible project management role of moderately complex projects or in a responsible sub-project leadership role of complex projects.
If you wish to expand and consolidate your project management knowledge, master PM methods confidently, and pass them on to others – this course is for you.
What will you achieve by this course?
- You will receive the complete knowledge of the course levels D and C
- You will master agile, traditional, and hybrid project management approaches and be able to apply them purposefully based on complexity and strategy of your project
- You will expand and strengthen your leadership skills in projects.
- You will learn what modern leadership of a project team means and how to apply it, including virtual leadership through remote work.
- You will confidently step into your project role with a well-equipped toolkit of methods that you can apply effectively.
- Project management methods will no longer be a challenge for you. With your acquired knowledge, you can combine various methods and steer your project purposefully.
- Your professional competence will be complemented by modern methodological and communication skills as well as a reflective and professional approach to working with your team.
- You receive an up-to-date comprehensive overview of project management methods.
- Excellent and practical exam preparation, including extensive support and feedback on your report.
- Personal development: Working on your own role as a project manager and leader
- Practice over theory: Transfer of knowledge from theory to your own practical experience.
- Beyond traditional PM: Expand your methodological knowledge with agile and hybrid techniques
- Outside the box: In the course, you exchange ideas and network with co-participants from a wide range of business sectors.
Course format
You can combine any of our Level D courses or the intensive Level D crash course with any Level C course. Our Level D and Level C courses are modular (over 2-3 months each), the Level D crash course is a 3-day training.
The total duration of a combined course is 10-13 course days, plus self-study and work on the Level C report.
We offer a reduced price for booking both courses simultaneously:
Included are:
- GPM licence fee
- Project management study book
- Case studies, exercises, mock exams, …
- Learning platform with documentation, templates, quizzes
- Extensive support by the trainer while writing your report.
Additional certification costs will be charged after the exam by PM-ZERT, for current prices please see
The exam takes place over 3 days and consists of: written exam (120 minutes), Level C report, role-play-based scenario workshop and an interview.
Optional: After the 6-day Level D course, you may in addition take a Level D exam.
Funding possibility
The course is usually supported by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Economics with funds from the European Union (ESF Plus). The net course fee will then be reduced by 30%, for persons from age 55 by 70%.
Target group: Employees, self-employed persons, business founders, re-entrants – all with place of work or residence in Baden-Württemberg. Employees of the federal government, state, municipalities, transfer companies are not supported. Please contact us for more information.
Course dates 2025
Each Level D course or Crash course Level D may be combined with a Level C/B course.
Get in touch with us
Do you have any questions, need support or are you interested in our services?
Send us your message or simply give us a call.